Sunday, January 28, 2018

New Goals

One of my new goals, is to lose 25 pounds.  Being chained to a desk and stressed out has taken its toll on my health.  We gave ourselves a Sous Vide for Christmas so we could better cook meats and fish, and it's been a great gadget to have around.  The tool allows you to slow cook in a sealed, air-tight bag, with minimal effort.  We use a little bit of oil, but not a lot.  Tonight we made Ahi Tuna steaks. They were finished with a pan sear on the stove.  I baked up cauliflower and potato wedges in our convection oven.  While the picture from my phone doesn't do the plate justice, this was a meal that came in under 600 calories (including wine).

TBG got me a FitBit for Christmas which I was not enthusiastic about at first.  It was a pain to get it to sync to my tablet, but once it was set up, I did start to pay attention to it.  It's hard for me not to wear a regular watch, because I am addicted to jewelry, but I have been using it.  I started out just paying attention to steps.  Some days when I worked, I only got in about 2K -- which showed me how sedentary my job had made me.  I did use notifications to get me to move -- I could do a flight of stairs once per hour on days that weren't too packed.  There is a sleep tracker.  The number of hours I slept, and those with deep sleep showed a real correlation to the days I had a lot of stress (less sleep).

Today  I installed the app on my phone.  Because my job was so intrusive, I made it a point not to keep my phone nearby and I did not use it for voicemail or to text much.  Refusing to get my phone involved with my work life was one of the only ways I could draw a line.  Now that I am out of that world, I am willing to start making use of the device.  I'm using it to track my water consumption and food intake.  I set up weight loss goals and am taking advantage of the tool.

TBG is helping a lot as he has been re-dedicating his life to exercise and tracking his food too.  I think we will both  be a lot healthier going forward, and hopefully the FitBit will help us reach our goals.  I had gotten so far away from regular exercise and responsible eating, that it is no wonder my weight ballooned.  I'm hoping to get back on track now, especially by eating more healthy meals like today.


  1. Replies
    1. Blogging will keep me honest. When I was too busy to blog, I was too busy to be healthy too!

    2. Enjoy your new food gadget!
      Calorie awareness and sleeping hours awareness are most helpful in the weightloss process.

      Things are individual;in my case, 1250 calories per day and 7-8 hours of sleep do the work.
      Walking/exercising goes without saying, but this is for general health, doesn't affect my losing weight effort; perhaps it can prevent weight gain. In winter, it's hard to loose weight, the struggle is to maintain what has been achived in the warm months.

      Good Luck with your goal!

    3. I need to plan better for the amount of time it takes to cook. We ate too late last night! I find tracking my sleep and having left a stressful job is helping meet my sleep quota too. I am looking forward to warmer weather although I have read you burn more calories in the cold, I also don't like to be out in it too long!

  2. I too am using blogging and FB posting to keep me accountable. I have to lose a pound a week for 10 weeks as part of a Scale Back Alabama weight loss challenge. I have a partner and I can't let her down. I lost my first pound last week and had a tough time keeping it off this past weekend. It's so hard. I have to eat 1170 calories a day to lose. It's almost nothing. Lots of veggies, veggies, veggies. Good luck to you and TBG. :-)

    1. It is a challenge for sure. My goal is one pound per week too. When you cook a lot from scratch, it's hard to find the right calorie counts. I break down the individual ingredients and hope I'm being accurate. Good luck to you! I will need 25 weeks.

  3. I had a fit bit for almost a year before I actually started using it properly. Now I am on my second one! It sure does make you accountable to yourself, especially when you realize how few steps you get just hanging about the house. Now I am up to 72,000 - 75000 per week and I actually feel better. If I ate less I would probably lose more weight but for now I am ok with just being healthier. We also own a treadmill hubby bought used 4 years ago, that sure helps in the dark dreary rainy days of winter when I can't get outside with the dog (he refuses to go out in wind and rain, won't even go pee)

    1. Having the app has helped a lot. At my old job, I could get 2500 per day, now I'm around 7K per day but was just 500 short of 10K last night. We have a Spinning bike in the basement, which there is no real way to track. I'm getting Teddy out more now too, which helps. I hope I can stick with this!
