Monday, February 12, 2018

My Comfort Zone

TBG and I lead a quiet adult life that probably seems boring to most people, but it works for us.  This past weekend, we stepped outside our comfort zone.  We didn't bungee jump or zip line.  No, we spent time in the world of high school athletics.  It was strange!  Friday night we went to a high school basketball game and on Saturday, we went to a cheering competition.  We might have well landed on Mars!

OK, as odd as it was, it was actually a good thing for us to see.  For one, I was impressed by my niece's cheer-leading squad.   They placed first in their division on Saturday and they seem like a really nice group of girls.  I can't imagine what is involved in a parental or participatory stand-point to acquire that level of athleticism, and it would probably make me a little queasy to find out.  But it was good to see them do such a good job.  The other thing that amazed me, was that the majority of parent's were either our age or older. I thought most parent's would be in their early 40's.  But I guess everyone is having children later.

Here is my comfort zone -- in a small office with the dogs.  This is Teddy with her work friend Maddy.  Snoopy wasn't in today.  I took the girls out for a potty break in the morning, then when my day was over (at 2:30), I took them both for a a walk along the canal/creek a block away from the office.  I spent part of this afternoon trying to get COBRA stuff set up for the dental benefit I want to continue (TBG has a cavity and we'll need to transfer my HSA balance).  It's enough to look after a dog and a husband. I don't know how people do it with kids!

It looks as though I need to clean the camera lens on my phone. I'm going to do that now!


  1. Last summer, I started stopping and watching high school teenage boy's baseball games at the park one evening a week. I'm all for "free" entertainment and I began to enjoy my time out! Now I'm looking forward to doing it again this coming summer. I'm not a big sports fan, but it's a great way to be outdoors!

    1. We were impressed by the opposing team's student support and had fun watching those kids taunt their rivals -- it was all in fun. We came in at the end of the girls varsity game and I was super impressed with how well those girls played.

  2. Try having two girls in dance, one of them in ball and on swim team along with boy in baseball and swim team. Generally, there are separate seasons for these, but for two weeks everything overlapped. Those two weeks were treacherous for us all. However, I prefer kids to

    1. I suspect there is a lot less driving around involved with a dog!

  3. It looks like Teddy is loving being able to come to the office. I became a step parent in my mid 30s...and only had to live through about 7 years of weekend activities (and that was only every other weekend) so like you, I am not sure how people do it. Although with 4 kids hubby and his xw had to limit activities to one per child, otherwise no one could have a life. I know parents who have kids in 3 or 4 activities, I would much rather have some quality time with kids than that.

    1. I actually feel bad because each kid is obligated to go to the other's events. We did leave the cheer competition early and brought our nephew home -- he was grateful for the escape!

      Teddy was the only dog today and one of the women took her for a long walk for her lunch -- she loves it and the architects love having her there. It's great!
