Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Shoe Bag

I had not posted this picture from camp when I was out the weekend before last.  It's the way I am dealing with extra sneakers and flip-flops.  Liquor stores here are giving out free re-usable shopping bags right and left.  But you really only need one or two.  If you're going to buy more than six bottles, you need a box.  But I take the bags anyway.  Here's a bag that I brought four bottles of wine to camp in.  I repurposed it to hold footwear.  It works great.

This past weekend TBG went to camp and I had the dog to myself.  It's a lot of work but she is doing better.  She can now walk around the block and is putting weight on the leg, although it is shaky at times.  We have run out of sedatives, which is a problem because all she wants to do is play.  Tomorrow night we go back to the vet to have the staples removed and she will be liberated from the cone.  Our charge card bill should be coming any day now and it will be beacoup bucks.  She is an expensive family member but we are also glad she is on the mend.


  1. Such good news about Teddy. So glad it's going well and that she's healing quickly.

    1. Thank you -- and the cone came off today!!!

  2. Cone? That looks like a space helmet from here! I will have to visit liquor stores around here and see if they are giving away those bags.

    1. It also looks a bit like something that might help our television reception. A plus given one big issue is that she blocks the cable box and remote when we try to change channels!

  3. Makes me sad to look at her, but I know it will be a lot better as time goes by.

  4. Oh, the cone came off? Well, I feel better already.

    1. She wears the doughnut at night and when alone because otherwise she escapes her confinement. It helps slow her down and makes tight spaces harder to negotiate. She'll wear the doughnut of despair for a few weeks too!
