Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Responsible Refrigerator

Cleaning the refrigerator is one of my least favorite domestic chores.  With no plans for the holiday and being behind in domestic responsibilities due to my recuperation, I decided I just needed to buck it up and get the job done.  For two people, we sure do keep a lot of food in the fridge!

One way I try to keep things neat, is by using cheap plastic cutting board sheets from Dollar Tree.  Sold two to a package, I can protect a decent amount of shelf space with three packages. It's pretty easy to pull them out, wipe them down, then put them back in place.  Or if you are too lazy to do that, it's also easy to pull them out before you have guests and don't have the energy to wipe down the shelves.

Aldi had refrigerator shelf liners today for $3.99 and there are three to a pack.  These are more of a synthetic water proof material that you can wash.  I used them mainly to line to produce drawers and shelves on the doors.  It was easy to cut them down to size.

This was not an especially fun way to spend this major holiday, but I have to do what I can with days off. After being out on disability for four weeks, I did not feel right taking a long weekend.  It wasn't fun but at least we're not horrified when we look in the fridge.


  1. Our fridge is mostly empty all the time, so it's fairly easy to keep clean. Food just seems to disappear which is why I am always running to the grocery store.

    1. I try to use up everything by the end of the week, but since I make frequent trips to the store and buy on impulse, it's hard. We got our farm share today and TBG picked up a six pack yesterday so now it's even fuller!

  2. Isn't it funny how different people have different household tasks they detest? I truly hate unloading the dishwasher, dusting, running the Bissell carpet cleaner, (fortunately we hardwood in all but 3 bedrooms and the stairs) and picking up after anybody else. I don't know how I feel about cleaning the refrigerator, as I can't say as I have ever done it thoroughly. I probably should, but it will have to wait until the family isn't under foot.

    1. I hate all of those things, plus I deplore folding laundry! Now for some reason, ironing is therapeutic. The only one who likes fridge clean-out day is the dog as I feed her odds and ends if I feel it would be a waste to throw it out. Keep in mind she likes mushrooms, eggs, juice, etc.

  3. Thanks for the tip about Aldi shelf liners!
    I clean my fridge like every day. I know. I know. I'm anal. But as soon as there is a spill or a mark, I'm in there with the windex.
    Hopefully, those liners will cur me. :)

    1. I am curious to see how "washable" they are. I will probably wash them in the sink and hang them to dry. They do look nice. QVC sells a similar version in silicone made by Temptations. But they cost a lot more!

  4. I cannot bend and hold on enough to clean out the refrigerator and freezer, so I sat while someone else did it. When I was younger, I hated none of the housework. Now, I just cannot do it. AND, I wipe up spills as they occur. I have put down waxed paper in the crispers. My refrigerator is full and there is only me. And, I never keep meat in the meat drawer, just cheese and little packets of condiments from fast food.

    I suppose emptying the dishwasher if the chore I like least.

    1. We have a deli-drawer, which is where we keep raw meat. I am constantly harping on TBG not to keep veggies and stuff that can be contaminated there. It is hard to get men to follow "refrigerator rules." I also detest emptying the dishwasher, so I run it before work in the AM because I know TBG will empty it when he is home for lunch. Manipulative... but it works!
