Friday, March 23, 2018

I am a Re-User

This strange "Spider Mon" baby t-shirt from Jamaica made it home with us because The Big Guy's BFF has a baby.  We don't care about gender and got it even though it's for a little girl. It is cool.  It didn't seem to make sense to me to wrap it or bag it in a cutesy pink baby theme either.  Our friend doesn't know other babies and what a waste of paper.  Instead, I used brown paper wrapping that came from a package we got at work.  I see sheets of brown paper packing material and I have to grab it, fold it up, and bring it home.  I've been using it for gifts for years.

I want the bag to be re-used too and there is more chance that a sturdy brown bag will get used multiple times.  The little girl won't care and I know her mom will use this bag again.  She's not much of a girlie-girl either!  While this might seem grumpy, it's just my way to not only be frugal, but to re-use and recycle.  One can only imagine how much wrapping paper or gift bags are used once and thrown out daily around the world -- especially in the US.  I just don't want to add to the amount of trash that is generated daily.  The paper can be recycled, but I really hope the bag gets used again and again.  I am a re-user!


  1. I never see brown paper to snag. But, I buy paper cheaply, like for a quarter a roll. I will not need any for the rest of my life. All children and grandchildren live so far away, I stuff the gifts in a box unwrapped and dil and daughter said they would wrap them.

    1. I always buy marked down wrapping paper. Especially after Christmas and whenever possible I opt for rolls without a specific pattern. That is worth using all year.

  2. I used to save all the comic sections from the newspaper to use as wrapping paper, even for Christmas. It makes for very colorful packages.

    1. When we used to buy the newspaper I did that too. It's cool!

  3. Very smart. I save any kind of packaging that remotely would work for gifts and reuse them at Christmas. When I can't reuse I buy bows at the thrift store. I don't think I have spent more than $10 total over the last 6 years of doing this. It does mean I have a large bin where I store it all but it does save money and I have storage space under the house so no problem! Cute TShirt :)

    1. It's nuts to spend $$ on something that gets destroyed and thrown out from one use!

  4. I love it! I saved as much tissue as I could from my birthday. Reuse please.
