Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Breaking Beauty Rules

I remember reading about seven or eight years ago, that scrunchies were "out."  No one who had any style (except maybe the Olsen sisters), would be caught dead wearing them. This week, I found a ton of them for a buck at the Dollar Tree -- of course I had to stock up!  Other things I've read: never cut your own hair or do your own eyebrows.  Ooops, I do both of those things too!

Of course it's obvious to anyone who reads my blog that I am cheap.  Would I love to live lavishly?  You bet.  But I don't because I don't earn lavishly.  Granted, my stylist charges only about fifteen bucks to cut my hair, but my bangs grow fast enough that I end up trimming them on my own every two weeks anyway.  She is always willing to cut them for free -- and I let her, but I give her a five dollar tip.  My main problem there, is that I don't have time to go in every two weeks.

Then there is the issue that I am always interested to find out what I can do for myself.  I became an IT professional by teaching myself and learning on the job -- no formal education in it at all.  I cook a lot but rarely follow recipes and recall only ever taking one cooking class.  I taught myself to swim too and am a fairly good lap swimmer.  Hey, you'll never know what you can do if you don't try!

Then there are my eyebrows.  As a natural redhead of Scottish descent, mine are blond.  So are my eyelashes.   Even if I color in my brows, it doesn't really go with my face since I am so pale.  I have botched plucking them but now have them to a point where they are groomed and they look fine. I can keep up with them every couple of days by plucking what I notice when I moisturize in the morning.

As for being a red-head, I color my own hair. I haven't found anyone who understands what I want or how to give me a realistic shade at a price I am willing to pay.  I get what I want color-wise fine by myself, but have also come to realize, there really isn't much need to mess with what nature gave me.

I am also totally capable of doing my own nails. In my younger days, I would do my own silk tips/extensions.  Were I to give up housework and all aspirations to play the guitar, I might start doing that again.  But for now, it's not worth it.

I just cut about an inch off my hair today and my ends feel a lot better.  My guess is no one will notice I did it.  And hey, if they do... I still have a stylist I can go to (who I am absolutely honest with).  She doesn't laugh at me too hard...


  1. My stylist stifled laughs and just shook her head and mildly mocked me when I butchered my bangs. I had my hair cut today, the first time in four years I had to pay. I never pay to have anything else done and pay for it. I was looking at scrunchies while at WM today.

    1. Another reason I like scrunchies, is that they don't damage your hair the way elastic bands can. It's a plus that I'm stuck in the 80's in some ways and am glad I can still find them!

  2. You're not cheap, you're frugal. You make the best of what you have. I think that's great.
    I used to chop my fringe too but the lady who does my hair now (she comes to my home) made me promise not to do that any more. Like yours, she will come round and do it for free.
    I love red hair, I think it is beautiful.

    1. I do like my hair color but sometimes think it would be fun to try something else. I've been toying with trying a wig! Then I really wouldn't have to worry about cutting my hair!!!

  3. Cutting & dyeing your own hair, painting your nails, plucking your eyebrows...isn't that just normal behaviour? I know some people like to visit salons for a bit of self care but personally I hate being fussed over and it's so easy to do it yourself.
    Scrunchies have been "in" with the youngsters here for a couple of years. xxx

    1. Sadly, I also run out of things to chat with during my sessions! I do wish it took less effort to remove nail polish. I wouldn't mind letting someone else do that!

  4. One of the first things that stood out to me when I moved south was that the little girls in school wear giant bows in their hair. Can you imagine that in NY? What's not in style one place, might be in style in another place. I wear a headwrap every single day because I don't have a lot of hair. It's kind of my signature look. People may think it's a religious thing or whatever, but I don't care. Do your own thing. Since I passed 50, (gonna be 60), I don't give a hoot what anybody thinks anymore.

    1. I'm definitely getting to the age where I care less and less what others think. When I used to have really long hair that was all one length, I wore a single braid down my back. Women like that -- I got compliments. But TBG hated it! He does like my hair shorter, hence my need to bother with it.
