Monday, June 4, 2018

Storage Wars

I have been conscientiously working to organize our clutter in the master bedroom.  One problem was not having enough room for TBGs shoes.  He doesn't have too many pairs, but they are a size 11.5 EEEE.  They take up a lot of room.  The solution was to buy cheap shoe racks from Wallies.  I put one set set together to clear up the space around the central AC register.  I had extra room from relocating the cedar chest to the hall.  One problem is he had no place to set his overnight bag.  Spare clothes and the bag ended up on one of my hampers or my dresser.  Not anymore.  Now there is a place for it.  There is also a spot for him to stash his bi-pap carrying case.

There had been a big square canvas laundry basket that started it's life on top of the cedar chest.  TBG used it to dump clothes he was too lazy to put away or otherwise deal with.  It got to be messy so I moved it to the side of the room, where it was less visible.  It was still too unsightly for my tastes, so I got rid of it and replaced it with a cheap storage ottoman.  He can still set stuff on top of it but I am hoping to find ways to avoid that.

Having a lid on the clutter makes a big difference.  It might not be the most aesthetically pleasing solution, but it will do for now. I plan to build the other shoe rack sometime this week.  Rather than configuring it with two adjoining sections, I'm going to build one tall stack.  There will be room for more shoes, but also some open space for him to stack clothes.  He'll wear things for a few hours and not want to wash them, but then also not want to put them away.  If I can find a solution to that problem, it will solve some of the clutter issues too.

Dealing with extra clothes and shoes is an ongoing battle in this house. Our closets are tiny and we are lazy.  I am not going to give up the fight!


  1. I have the same issue. You would not believe my bedroom...

    1. I wonder if we will be able to exist once we have a "real" bedroom renovation done in a couple of years. I am doubtful!

  2. Hooks on the back of doors is a good place for those "not ready for the hamper yet" clothes. You just have to remember they're there. lol

    1. I have hooks/racks on the back of every door -- and still, it's not enough! There are bins under every bed too. He hates that I hang things on doorknobs...

  3. I have the same problem with Hub's He actually has a huge hamper of crap clothes he does not wear now that he is retired, but they are sacred. Must stay in trunk taking up room with no use.....

    1. Men are just as bad about keeping clothes they plan to fit into again. He has expressed interest in doing a purge one of these days!
