Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Flavored Water

Yes, I love my home-brewed iced tea, but I have another favorite beverage that I'm guzzling daily too.  Each morning, I cut up veggies and fruit,  cram that in a jar with one green tea bag in the bottom, then fill the jar up with water and ice.  Usually I throw in a slice or two of ginger and a chunk of lemon (minus the peel/rind).   I bring the infusion to work and stick it in the fridge.  Once I've had my coffee, I am ready to drink my infused water for the rest of the day.  When the jar is empty, I just fill it up again with more filtered water from the cooler.

While I love my iced tea, once I drink what I bring to work, it's gone.  With the infusion, the flavor keeps on giving.  I even keep refilling it once I am home and even during dinner.  Sometimes I drink it in place of iced tea.

Once I'm done with it at the end of the day, I give the solids to the pup.  If I have grapes, those get plucked out.  Every so often I forget about the tea bag, so she just drops it on the floor outside of her dish.  Apparently, there are some things she won't eat!

The water really does pull a lot of flavor from the fruits/veggies.  I don't know that there are really any nutritional benefits.  Lots of folks do this as a detox/cleansing drink.  For me, it's just for the flavor and to quench my thirst.  It is yummy!


  1. I've had water with lemon and cucumbers, but not such a variety as yours. Sounds good, and it must be good for you to some extent.

    1. I always thought that cucumbers were it for water, but am glad I expanded my horizons!

  2. I'm starting to think that you have missed your calling in life, and that you should have been a tea sommelier. Perhaps you should open up some sort of a juice bar... only not for juice, but exotic teas and infused water. Never in a million years would those sorts of concoctions occur to me. I'm generally lucky if I can manage to remember to turn the filter on when I get a glass of water! :-)

    1. I work with whatever fruit and veggies are cheap -- no real artistry there! When TBG and I retire and have our "Bike and Breakfast," I'll get to serve other my concoctions there!
